What are the new amendments and GHG strategy that resulted from the IMO MEPC 79? This is everything you need to know.

Cruise ships are a great innovation in sea-going vehicles which have vastly evolved in the past century. See how much.

Understanding SIF (Serious Injury & Fatality) which includes investigating incidents, near-misses and hazardous conditions.

Life in the middle of the ocean on these far-away offshore rigs and the facilities provided with the platform.

Installing an offshore wind turbine in the middle of the ocean is a complex process. A brief introduction to the harvesting of wind power.

Hard data and real-world examples from vessel operators on how can energy-saving technologies help you comply with CII.

Why underwater cables are so expensive? Get up to speed on underwater cables construction, application, recycle while also advanced cable laying vessels.

This is everything you need to know to get up to speed with container loss during transportation and salvage operations to recover the cargo.

This is everything you need to know about commercial underwater cleaning operations for a ship hull and its dangers.

Shipowners rush to calculate the attained CII Rating of the fleet to include in SEEMP Part 3 when it is not needed. Why?