10 February 2025
The New Mpox Outbreak: What is it? The Impact on Shipping

WHO has declared the recent Mpox outbreak a public health emergency of international concern. This has directly affected the shipping industry. But what is Mpox?
Table of Contents
MPOX Outbreak
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has declared the recent Mpox outbreak of clade 1b strain a public health emergency of international concern. This is due to a surge in cases in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and a growing number of countries in Africa constitutes.
Argentina Mpox Incident
On the 22nd of August 2024, the NorthStandard correspondents PANDI LIQUIDORES SRL in Argentina reported that whilst there are currently no official requirements in place for vessels arriving in Argentina with regard to Mpox outbreak, there has been at least one case of suspected Mpox outbreak aboard a vessel. In that case, the vessel in question was put in quarantine while further tests on the entire crew were conducted causing significant delays.
It is recommended that any vessel arriving in Argentina with symptomatic crew members report to the health authorities as soon as possible.
Please read circular 050/2024 here
Bangladesh Mpox Measures
On the 21st of August 2024, the relevant Correspondents JF (Bangladesh) Limited reported new requirements for vessels calling at Chittagong.
The Chittagong port authorities have issued a circular that outlines the following requirements:
- All vessels are required to submit a declaration of actual or suspected Mpox outbreak cases on board to Port Control prior to dropping anchor.
- The crew will not be granted shore passes without the prior approval of the Port Health Officer.
- Crew signing off a vessel will require a health check by the Port Health Officer prior to being allowed to exit from the immigration gate (Gate No.1) of Chittagong Port.
- Any information regarding crews showing symptoms of Mpox outbreak should be sent immediately to the Port Control Room (Tel: 02333326916, VHF Channel-12) and the Port Health Officer.
Where symptoms of Mpox outbreak are suspected onboard a vessel the movement and cargo operations of the ship in question could be delayed subject to a Port Health Officer inspection.
Circular no. 22 can be read here.
Uruguay Mpox Measures
Local correspondents Chadwick Weir Navegacion SA have advised that due to the Mpox outbreak in West Africa, ports in Uruguay require that any crew member with symptoms of fever coming to Uruguayan ports from Africa, or that have been in Africa within the last 15 days, should be checked by a physician on board in order to detect or rule out said disease.
Any crew members with symptoms will not be taken ashore and local authorities must be notified immediately if the above situation occurs.
Read Circular ROU/08/24 here

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Ship Nerd
What is Mpox?
Mpox is a viral infection with two different clades clade I and clade II. A clade is a group of organisms from a common ancestor. It is the clade 1b strain currently causing concern due to its rapid spread.
How does it spread?
Mpox spreads mainly through close contact between people, and occasionally to people from surfaces that have been touched by a person with Mpox. Close contact includes:
- Skin-to-skin (such as touching, or sex)
- Mouth-to-mouth, or mouth-to-skin contact (such as kissing), and can also include being face-to-face with someone who has mpox (such as talking or breathing close to one another).
It is also possible for the virus to exist on clothing, bedding, towels, objects, electronics and surfaces that have been touched by a person with mpox. The infection therefore can spread if such items are touched by another person, in particular if they have cuts or abrasions on their skin, or the person then touches their eyes, nose, or mouth without washing their hands first.
What are the symptoms?
Common symptoms of Mpox are:
- A rash
- Fever
- Sore throat
- Headache
- Muscle aches
- Back pain
- Low energy
- Swollen lymph nodes.
Sometimes the rash is visible in the early stages however this is not the case for all people. This rash begins as a flat sore which develops into a blister filled with liquid. The rash can appear anywhere on the body.
Where are the current regions of main concern?
As of the 12th of August 2024, WHO listed the following regions:
- Democratic Republic of the Congo and neighbouring countries – HIGH.
- Nigeria and countries of West, Central and East Africa – MODERATE.
Whilst there have been reported cases in the EU, the risk is still thought to be very low.
Advice for vessels operating in areas of concern.
- Regularly monitor the crew for the symptoms listed above. Report any suspected cases immediately to local health authorities.
- Clean and disinfect surfaces/objects regularly, especially in public areas.
- Regularly wash hands with soap and water and wash clothes and bedding more frequently.
- Avoid close contact with persons visiting from ashore.
- Deny access to the vessel for those showing any symptoms of Mpox.
- Use personal protective equipment when dealing with potentially infected individuals or contaminated materials.
- Follow all local authority requirements closely.
Source: NorthStandard
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