09 February 2025
SEEMP (Part I, II, III) – Everything you need to know

In accordance with the CII rating from the year 2023, the ships subject to the CII rating will have to develop a SEEMP Part 3 (III) on or before 31 December 2022. The Administration or a Recognized Organization (RO) should confirm the new part.
Table of Contents
SEEMP Part 1
Note that, according to MARPOL Annex VI, on or after 1 January 2013, ships should retain a Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) Part I on board. It applies to ships of 400 GT and above engaged in international voyages. But, it does not apply to ships not propelled by mechanical means, and platforms. These include FPSOs, FSUs, and drilling rigs, regardless of their propulsion.
In addition, amendments to MARPOL Annex VI, adopted in 2016, request ships to collect and report their fuel oil consumption data to the Administration or a Recognized Organization (RO) from the year 2019 (IMO DCS). The ships subject to the IMO DCS must develop a ship fuel oil consumption data collection plan (SEEMP Part II). The Administration or a Recognized Organization (RO) should confirm the plan. The amendments apply to ships of 5,000 GT and above, for which Part I should retain on board.
CII Rating and SEEMP Part III
Further amendments to MARPOL Annex VI (IMO Resolution MEPC.328(76)) were adopted at the 76th session of the IMO’s Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 76) in 2021. Particularly, they will introduce the CII rating from 1 January 2023 based on the annual fuel consumption of each ship.
The ships subject to the CII rating will have to develop a SEEMP (Part III) to include;
- CII calculation methodology
- Required CII values over the next 3 years
- implementation plan for achieving the required CII
- Procedures for self-evaluation and improvement
The Administration or a Recognized Organization (RO) should confirm Part III.
From 2023, the IMO DCS data will empower the CII rating. Thus, each ship will have a rating (A, B, C, D, or E) from 2024. Note that, ships that have an E rating in any year or a D rating for 3 consecutive years, will have to develop a corrective action plan in the Part III.

SEEMP Part 3 – Easy compliance for 2023
Shipowners rush to calculate the attained CII Rating of the fleet to include in SEEMP Part 3 when it is not needed. But why?
Ship Nerd
Development of SEEMP
Ship operators must develop a SEEMP Part I according to IMO Resolution MEPC.346(78). However, it is not necessary to obtain the confirmation of contents by the Administration or an RO, except for Japanese flag vessels. As for a sample form of SEEMP Part I and its contents, please refer to the IMO guidelines (Resolution MEPC.346(78), Appendix 1).
Following the same resolution, ships subject to the IMO DCS are required to develop a SEEMP Part II. Appendix 2 of the guidelines includes a sample form.
Moreover, the ships subject to the CII rating must develop a SEEMP Part III, which includes the prescribed requirements. The guidelines incorporate a sample form in Appendix 3.
Source: ClassNK
See Also
DNV presented Arcadia Shipmanagement Co Ltd. with a certificate recognizing their vessel Aegean Myth. Particularly, as the first vessel globally to have a SEEMP III manual.

The first vessel with verified SEEMP Part III in the world
DNV presented Arcadia Shipmanagement with a certificate recognizing their vessel Aegean Myth as the first globally to have a SEEMP III manual.